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Virginia Department of Elections

For Immediate Release:

Contact For More Information:
Andrea M. Gaines
(804) 263-5752

ELECT Announces Results for 2022 Risk-Limiting Audit of 2021 Nov. General Election

RICHMOND – The Virginia Department of Elections’ (ELECT) Commissioner Christopher Piper announced today that Virginia’s election administrators have successfully completed the 2022 Risk-Limiting Audit (RLA) of the 2021 November General Election. 

During a live drawing held at the December 13 meeting of the State Board of Elections (SBE), the SBE randomly selected the 75th and 13th House of Delegates Districts for audit. The audit began on January 3 and concluded on January 20. The participating localities in the 2022 Risk-Limiting Audit included:

House of Delegates 75th District – Brunswick, Emporia City, Franklin City, Greensville, Lunenburg, Southampton and Sussex  

House of Delegates 13th District – Prince William County and Manassas Park City

The audit confirmed with over 99% confidence that Otto Wachsmann was the winner of the House of Delegates 75th District contest and Danica Roem was the winner of the House of Delegates 13th District race.

 “Once again, Virginia’s election administrators have successfully demonstrated their experience and dedication to ensuring secure and reliable election results by using the audit process,” said Christopher Piper, Virginia’s Commissioner of Elections. “The success of these audits is reliant upon the guidance of our local election leaders.”

Pursuant to Va. Code §24.2-671.1, ELECT is required to coordinate an annual post-election RLA of ballot scanner machines used in the Commonwealth of Virginia.  RLAs utilize statistical principles to empirically prove that the voting system software accurately reported the results of an election. 

The 2022 Risk-Limiting Audit Report of the 2021 November General Election will be available to the public in March.