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View Your Info

Viewing your registration status and voter information has gotten easier with the Virginia Department of Elections' citizen portal. View your current registration status now >>>

If you want to make a change to your address, name or other information, you may do so by:

If you want to make a change to your address, name or other information by sending a letter to your General Registrar:

Letters should be addressed to the Voter Registration office for the city or county in which you live. Contact information can be found on our registrar lookup tool. Letters should include the following information:

  • Name
  • Enough information to identify you – such as the Social Security number
  • Current address
  • Previous address
  • Signature
If you want to make a change to your address, name or other information by using the Virginia Voter Registration Application Form:
  • Voter Registration Application (Español) (Tiếng Việt) (한국인)
  • A daytime telephone number is useful should your General Registrar need to contact you regarding your request.
  • Send the completed form to the Voter Registration Office for the county or city where you live. The form may be faxed, mailed or delivered in person.

Requests must be POSTMARKED at least 22 days before the next Primary or General Election in which you plan to vote. You should receive a Voter Card in the mail. If you do not receive this acknowledgement within 30 days after mailing this form, please contact your city or county voter registration office or the Department of Elections.

If you have any questions regarding your voter registration status, please contact your local Voter Registration Office.

Updating Your Name or Address

To remain a qualified registered voter, the law requires you to notify your local registration office of any change in your name or address. This must be done before the registration books close for the next election. See Registration Deadlines for additional information on close of registration books. Changes cannot be made during the 21 day period before any general or primary election or during the 12 day period before a special election.

Moving your residence

Moving within the Commonwealth of Virginia

If you moved your residence from one precinct to another within the Commonwealth, you may vote in the precinct from which you have moved in the following November general election and any intervening election unless your registration has been transferred or cancelled. You may continue to vote in the precinct from which you have moved, for federal offices only, through the second general and intervening elections for federal office, provided that

(i) you have moved your residence from one precinct to another in the same jurisdiction and the same congressional district;
(ii) you have failed to respond to the confirmation of address notice mailed to you by the Department of Elections or your local registration office (as provided in § 24.2-428 of the Code of Virginia);
(iii) your registration has not been transferred or cancelled; and
(iv) you have affirmed orally or in writing your new address before an officer of election at the polling place.

Moving outside of the Commonwealth of Virginia

Persons moving from the state within 30 days of a presidential election are entitled to vote in the precinct in which they were previously registered (immediately prior to moving) for presidential electors only. You must mark your absentee ballot application with the words: “APPLY FOR PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION ONLY” and indicate the date you moved from the precinct. If returning to your old precinct to vote in person, you must tell the election official, before voting, that you have moved out of state within the 30 days prior to the election. Whether voting by absentee ballot or in person, you will only be given the ballot for presidential and vice-presidential electors.