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State-designated Voter Registration

The National Voter Registration Act of 1993 is meant to increase the number of citizens registered to vote and to establish safeguards that ensure a citizens' right to vote. So in addition to the Department of Motor Vehicles, the National Voter Registration Act requires that individuals be given the opportunity to register to vote (or to change their voter registration data) in elections for federal and/or state office when applying for (or receiving) services or assistance from certain other state agencies designated by statute.

The following are State-designated voter registration agencies in the Commonwealth of Virginia:

  • Department of Motor Vehicles
  • Department of Health
  • Department of Social Services
  • Department for Aging  and Rehabilitative Services
  • Department for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
  • Department of  Behavioral Health and Developmental  Services
  • Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired
  • Virginia Board for People with Disabilities
  • Virginia Employment Commission in Northern Virginia (Planning District 8)
  • Regional offices of the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries
  • Armed Forces Recruitment Offices
  • Any other agencies (such as community services boards) whose primary function is to provide state-funded programs to persons with disabilities

The purpose of the National Voter Registration Act is to:

  • Increase the number of eligible citizens who register to vote.
  • Enhance the participation of eligible citizens as voters in elections.
  • Protect the integrity of the electoral process.
  • Ensure accurate and current voter registration rolls are maintained.
  • Provide public access to records of programs and activities to maintain voter lists.

Designated agencies must provide the opportunity to register to vote not only at the original application for your services but also when re-certifying, readmitting, renewing, or if the applicant’s name or address has changed.

The Virginia Voter Registration Application is available for download. Applications can also be submitted online directly to the Department of Elections through 11:59 p.m. on the final day of registration for each election. See the form instructions or website for more details on the application process.

The National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) Designated State Agency Training & Reference Manual provides procedures and questions you may have regarding how to conduct voter registration in your agency. Please make copies for anyone in your agency.

To view the online designated state agency voter registration training, please click DSA Voter Registration Training.

The Voter Registration Agency Certification is used by the agencies as part of the agency voter registration process. This form certifies that the agency has provided an individual the opportunity to register to vote. An individual may decline to register by checking the boxes on the form or failing to sign the form. The certification form should be kept in the client’s file or designated place, and retained for at least 22 months. If additional blank forms are needed, please photocopy these forms. Some agencies have this form or something similar on their computers, the seals may be used.

The State Agency Election Material Order Form is used to request voter registration application packets by mail.

National Voter Registration Application Order Form is used by public colleges and universities to order the National Voter Registration form. There is a fee to order these forms. You also may download the National Voter Registration form and make copies (original signature is required).

View the Secretary of the Commonwealth’s Restoration of Rights page for information on how persons formerly convicted of felonies can have voting rights restored.