For Immediate Release:
Contact For More Information:
Andrea M. Gaines
(804) 263-5752
Early voting for June primary begins May 3
RICHMOND, VA — In-person voting for the June 18, 2024, primary election begins Friday, May 3 and will continue through Saturday, June 15.
To vote early in-person, registered voters should go to the general registrar’s office for the jurisdiction in which they are registered, present their ID and cast a ballot. The location of the general registrar’s office for all jurisdictions can be found on the Virginia Department of Elections’ website (Local Contact Information) as well as a list of acceptable forms of identification. (Do I need an ID to vote?)
Additionally, absentee ballots requested by voters will be mailed beginning May 3, including ballots to registered military and overseas voters. Any registered voter can request an absentee ballot either in person, by mail, online (Citizen Portal) or by contacting their general registrar’s office. The deadline to request a mailed absentee ballot is June 7. Registered voters do not need a reason to request an absentee ballot.
Absentee ballots can be dropped off at the general registrar’s office or polling location on Election Day. Absentee ballots returned by mail must be postmarked no later than June 18. Anyone with visual or manual dexterity impairment has the option to vote an absentee ballot using an electronic marking tool.
In localities with dual primaries, voters may be asked to choose which party’s ballot they wish to vote. In a dual primary, officers of election will ask voters if they want to cast their ballot in the Democratic Party Primary or the Republican Party Primary. All qualified voters may vote in either primary, but voters may not vote in both primaries held on the same date, even if they want to vote for candidates running for different offices. Virginia voters do not register by party, and voting in a party’s primary does not register the voter with that party. The list of candidates can be found online. (Candidates & Referendums)
The deadline to register to vote and cast a regular ballot is May 28. Afterward, voters can register and vote through same-day registration and cast a provisional ballot. Same-day registration must take place in person at an early voting location for the jurisdiction in which the voter intends to register.
Some jurisdictions offer early in-person voting at satellite locations in addition to the general registrar’s office. (Early Voting Office Locations) Curbside voting is also available for those with disabilities and those over 65 who wish to vote in person. Contact your general registrar’s office for more information regarding voting hours, additional locations and ballot drop boxes.
Voters with questions about absentee or early in-person voting can call their general registrar’s office or the Department of Elections at 1-800-552-9745 or email at info@elections.virginia.gov.