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Virginia Department of Elections

For Immediate Release:

Contact For More Information:
Andrea M. Gaines
(804) 263-5752

Witness Signature Requirements:
Witness signature required on all absentee ballots

RICHMOND, Va –The Virginia Department of Elections wants to remind voters that witness signatures are required on all absentee ballots being cast in the 2021 General Election.

If a general registrar finds after examining a returned absentee ballot envelope that the witness signature is missing, the voter will be notified within three days after receipt in the registrar’s office that the ballot requires modification. The voter will have until noon on the third-day after the election (November 5, 2021) to correct their ballot in order for it to be counted.

ELECT encourages voters to return their absentee ballot at their earliest convenience. A voter may return their absentee ballot by delivering it to:

  • The USPS or a commercial delivery service (such as FedEx or UPS). All absentee ballots include pre- paid postage through the USPS;
  • A drop-off location listed on their county or city’s official website;
  • The Office of the General Registrar in their county or city; or,
  • Any polling place within their county or city on Election

Completed absentee ballots must be postmarked by Election Day and received by local registrars by noon on Friday, November 5. 2021. If a ballot is personally delivered, it must be returned to the general registrar’s office or drop-off location by 7:00 p.m. on Election Day.

Voters who have requested an absentee ballot can track their ballot here: If a voter is concerned that they do not have enough time to return their ballot by mail, ELECT encourages voters to personally deliver their ballot to their local general registrar’s office, a ballot drop-off location, or vote in-person.
