For Immediate Release:
Contact For More Information:
Andrea M. Gaines
(804) 263-5752
Registration deadline for Nov. 2 elections is Oct. 12
RICHMOND, VA – The voter registration deadline for the upcoming elections is Tuesday, October 12. Successful registration enables all eligible Virginians to cast ballots in the November 2, 2021 elections.
To register to vote or update voter registration information:
- By mail: Applications must be postmarked by October 12.
- In-person: Applications must be submitted by 5:00 pm on October 12.
- Online: Applications must be submitted by 11:59 pm on October 12.
Any Virginian can check or update their registration information or register for the first time at the Department’s Online Citizen Portal, vote.elections.virginia.gov. Registered voters can also preview their ballot and request an absentee ballot through the website
“Online voter registration makes voting more accessible for residents of Virginia,” said Christopher Piper, Virginia’s Commissioner of Elections. "The Virginia Department of Elections is committed to making voting as accessible and secure as possible."
To register to vote in Virginia, one must:
- be a U.S. citizen
- be a resident of Virginia
- be at least 18 years old by the upcoming November 2 General Election
- have had voting rights restored if convicted of a felony
- have had the capacity restored by court order if declared mentally incapacitated
In addition to registering online at vote.elections.virginia.gov, eligible Virginians may register at their local voter registration office. Voters can find additional information about local offices at elections.virginia.gov/VRO. Voter registration opportunities are also available at DMV customer service centers and social service offices.
For more information about voter registration or casting a ballot in the November elections, visit the Department of Elections website at elections.virginia.gov or call toll-free at (800) 552-9745.