For Immediate Release:
Contact For More Information:
Andrea M. Gaines
(804) 263-5752
Virginia Voter Registration Deadline Extended by Federal Court
RICHMOND, VA – Today, a federal district judge extended the deadline for citizens of the Commonwealth of Virginia to register to vote through Thursday, October 15, 2020.
This extension will provide all eligible Virginians with the opportunity to participate in the 2020 November General and Special Elections by registering to vote on or before October 15, 2020. Eligible Virginians may submit a voter registration application or update an existing voter registration record in any of the following methods:
- In-person to the office of their local general registrar by 5pm on Thursday, October 15th
- By mail postmarked on or before Thursday, October 15th
- Online at elections.virginia.gov/voterinfo through 11:59pm on Thursday, October 15th
- To an NVRA designated state agency, such as the DMV or a social services office, by October 15th
Currently registered Virginia voters and eligible Virginians that have already submitted a registration application do not need to take any additional action.
Virginia Department of Elections Commissioner Chris Piper stated, “The Department welcomes today’s court decision to extend the voter registration deadline through Thursday, October 15th. This gives eligible Virginians additional time to register or update their current voter registration record. We encourage Virginians to access the Citizen’s Portal at elections.virginia.gov/voterinfo today or use one of the many other options available for registering to vote.”
In addition to registering to vote, Virginians may also check their current voter registration status, find their polling location and apply for an absentee ballot on the Department’s Citizen Portal at elections.virginia.gov/voterinfo.