For Immediate Release:
Contact For More Information:
Andrea M. Gaines
(804) 263-5752
Early in-person voting ends Saturday, October 31
RICHMOND, VA – The last day for voters to cast early in-person ballots for the November 3, 2020 General Election is Saturday, October 31, 2020.
All local voter registration offices will be open for at a period of at least 8 hours that day. Voters can contact their local General Registrar’s office for hours of operation. Information about local offices – including location, hours open and how to contact them – is available on the Virginia Department of Elections website at www.elections.virginia.gov/localGR.
Voters do not have to fill out an application to vote in person. Voters can go to their general registrar’s office or satellite voting location, show ID and cast a ballot. More information about what IDs are considered acceptable can be found at www.elections.virginia.gov/voterID.
Voters that have not returned their mail-in absentee ballots should do so as soon as possible. Absentee ballots may be returned via mail or dropped off at a voter’s general registrar’s office, satellite location or at their polling place on Election Day.
Voters with questions about in-person voting or any other aspect of the November 3, 2020 election may call the Virginia Department of Elections at (800) 552-9745, email the department at info@elections.virginia.gov, or visit our website at www.elections.virginia.gov.Voters are also encouraged to follow us on Twitter at @vaElect, Facebook at @VirginiaELECT and Instagram at @va_election.