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Interactive Map

Pursuant to §24.2-103.1 (B) of the Code of Virginia, the Department shall maintain and make available on its official website maps showing the current election district and precinct boundaries of each county and city. Geographical boundaries are provided to the Department of Elections by each locality and are as current as possible. If a local board of supervisors has recently enacted a precinct change, please note that it may take a few weeks to be visible. ELECT makes every effort to provide the most up-to-date and accurate information on its website.

Interactive Map of Voting Districts and Precinct Boundaries

Note: directions are below the map.

Using this Map

  • Click anywhere within the Commonwealth of Virginia, a dialogue box detailing districts and/or precincts will appear that are applicable to the selected location. 
  • The Virginia map position can be manually altered by clicking and holding, then dragging the map to the desired location on the screen. Click and Hold + Drag the mouse to pan the map in the desired direction.
  • You may zoom in or out using the respective +/- buttons on the top left of the map. Clicking the home button will move and resize the map of the state of Virginia to the center of the screen.
    • TIP: If you are zoomed out of the map too far, the Virginia Localities will not be visible.
    • TIP: Using the + sign at the top left of the map, zoom in to reduce the number of results shown. Clicking the Home button will also center the map and show the Virginia Localities.
  • As you zoom in, you will see additional layers added to the map. These layers describe the boundaries of the various voting districts/precincts and their name. The label is color coordinated with the boundary color for easier identification.
  • At the very top left of the map, click the square with 2 right pointing arrows to reveal an interactive Legend. The Legend can be used to show or hide layers. (Layers will be faded if you are zoomed out so far that they aren’t being drawn.)
  • If you know the address or location you are trying to find the voting information for, you may click the search button at the top right of the map window to enter the desired address or location.