June 21, 2022 Primary Elections
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Office Title | District/Jurisdiction | Political Party | Candidate Name | Candidate Status | Campaign Email | Campaign Website | Campaign Day Time Phone | CampaignAddressLine1 | Campaign City | Campaign Zip |
Member House of Representatives | 1 | Democratic | Herbert C. "Herb" Jones Jr. | Unopposed - No Primary Held | herb@herbjonesforvirginia.com | herbjonesforvirginia.com | 804-993-4648 | PO Box 432 | Providence Forge | 231400432 |
Member House of Representatives | 1 | Republican | Rob J. Wittman | Unopposed - No Primary Held | campaign@robwittman.com | robwittman.com | 910-528-4293 | PO Box 427 | Alexandria | 223130427 |
Member House of Representatives | 2 | Democratic | Elaine G. Luria | Unopposed - No Primary Held | elaine@elaineforcongress.com | elaineforcongress.com | 757-395-0328 | |||
Member House of Representatives | 2 | Republican | Andrew G. "Andy" Baan | Qualified | info@andybaan.com | andybaan.com | 757-561-0873 | P.O. Box 1354 | Virginia Beach | 23451 |
Member House of Representatives | 2 | Republican | Jarome Bell | Qualified | jarome@jaromebellforcongress.com | jaromebellforcongress.com | 757-536-4157 | PO Box 6775 | Virginia Beach | 23456 |
Member House of Representatives | 2 | Republican | Jen A. Kiggans | Qualified | info@jenforcongress.com | jenforcongress.com | 757-204-5832 | PO Box 5042 | Virginia Beach | 23471 |
Member House of Representatives | 2 | Republican | L. Tommy Altman III | Qualified | tommy@tommy4va.com | tommyaltman.com | 757-771-6535 | PO Box 56131 | Virginia Beach | 234561131 |
Member House of Representatives | 3 | Democratic | Robert C. "Bobby" Scott | Unopposed - No Primary Held | williamson_s@bobbyscottforcongress.com | bobbyscottforcongress.com | 757-245-2000 | PO Box 251 | Newport News | 236070251 |
Member House of Representatives | 3 | Republican | Ted W. Engquist | Qualified | tede@tedforcongress2022.com | tedforcongress2022.com | 571-334-6067 | 4383 Eagle Harbor Ln | Gloucester | 23061 |
Member House of Representatives | 3 | Republican | Terry T. Namkung | Qualified | info@namkungforvirginia.com | namkungforvirginia.com | 757-509-5253 | P.O. Box 15441 | Newport News | 23608 |
Member House of Representatives | 4 | Democratic | A. Donald McEachin | Unopposed - No Primary Held | donald@mceachinforcongress.com | donaldmceachin.com | 804-647-1900 | PO Box 7020 | Richmond | 232210020 |
Member House of Representatives | 4 | Republican | Leon Benjamin Sr. | Unopposed - No Primary Held | info@benjamin4congress.com | benjamin4congress.com | 804-352-3348 | 7330 Staples Mill Rd, Box 312 | Richmond | 23228 |
Member House of Representatives | 5 | Democratic | Joshua M. Throneburg | Unopposed - No Primary Held | josh@joshforvirginia.com | joshforvirginia.com | 434-284-2934 | 107 Christa Ct | Charlottesville | 229034244 |
Member House of Representatives | 6 | Republican | Ben L. Cline | Qualified | contact@benclineforcongress.com | benclineforcongress.com | 540-744-2606 | |||
Member House of Representatives | 6 | Republican | Merritt D. Hale | Qualified | teamhale@merritthaleforcongress.com | merritthaleforcongress.com | 540-554-1671 | PO Box 302 | Clear Brook | 226240302 |
Member House of Representatives | 7 | Democratic | Abigail A. Spanberger | Unopposed - No Primary Held | info@abigailspanberger.com | abigailspanberger.com | 703-835-7826 | PO Box 3112 | Fredericksburg | 22402 |
Member House of Representatives | 7 | Republican | Bryce E. Reeves | Qualified | jimmy@brycereeves.com | brycereeves.com | 540-466-4483 | PO Box 7022 | Fredericksburg | 224047022 |
Member House of Representatives | 7 | Republican | Crystal L. Vanuch | Qualified | crystal@crystalvanuch.com | crystalvanuch.com | 919-538-1347 | PO Box 549 | Stafford | 22554 |
Member House of Representatives | 7 | Republican | David L. Ross | Qualified | daveross4liberty@outlook.com | daveross4liberty.com | 571-594-0814 | 6310 Towering Oak Rd | Fredericksburg | 224077020 |
Member House of Representatives | 7 | Republican | Derrick M. Anderson | Qualified | info@derrickandersonforva.com | derrickandersonforva.com | PO Box 29940 | Henrico | 23242 | |
Member House of Representatives | 7 | Republican | Gina R. Ciarcia | Qualified | info@ginaciarcia.com | ginaciarcia.com | 757-808-5236 | P.O. Box 669 | Dumfries | 22026 |
Member House of Representatives | 7 | Republican | Yesli I. Vega | Qualified | info@yeslivega.com | yeslivega.com | PO Box 1676 | Woodbridge | 22195 | |
Member House of Representatives | 8 | Democratic | Donald S. Beyer, Jr. | Qualified | don@friendsofdonbeyer.com | friendsofdonbeyer.com | 202-258-9261 | 2503-D N. Harrison St., Box #310 | Arlington | 22207 |
Member House of Representatives | 8 | Democratic | Victoria I. Virasingh | Qualified | info@victoriaforcongress.com | www.victoriaforcongress.com | 703-677-1875 | PO Box 7476 | Arlington | 222070476 |
Member House of Representatives | 9 | Republican | H. Morgan Griffith | Unopposed - No Primary Held | districtva09@gmail.com | morgangriffithforcongress.com | 434-382-8316 | PO Box 361 | Christiansburg | 240680361 |
Member House of Representatives | 10 | Democratic | Jennifer T. Wexton | Unopposed - No Primary Held | austin@jenniferwexton.com | jenniferwexton.com | 276-696-1667 | PO Box 650550 | Sterling | 201650550 |
Member House of Representatives | 11 | Democratic | Gerald E. "Gerry" Connolly | Unopposed - No Primary Held | info@gerryconnolly.com | www.gerryconnolly.com | 703-375-9374 | PO Box 563 | Merrifield | 221160563 |
Commonwealth's Attorney | POQUOSON CITY/YORK COUNTY | Republican | Krystyn L. Reid | Unopposed - No Primary Held | reidk@yorkcounty.gov | 757-890-3411 | 306 Kanawah Run | Yorktown | 23693 | |
Member City Council | MANASSAS CITY | Democratic | Dheeraj "DJ" Jagadev | Qualified | dheeraj4manassas@gmail.com | www.dheeraj4manassas.com | 571-361-9705 | 8320 Tillett Loop | Manassas | 201108310 |
Member City Council | MANASSAS CITY | Democratic | Ralph J. Smith | Qualified | ralphj44@gmail.com | 703-303-8530 | 10122 Trinity Lane | 20110 | ||
Member City Council | MANASSAS CITY | Democratic | Robert R. Keller | Qualified | rekeller2@verizon.net | 703-330-3776 | 9610 Waterford Dr. | Manassas | 20110 | |
Member City Council | MANASSAS CITY | Democratic | Sonia R. Vasquez Luna | Qualified | soniaruthluna@gmail.com | 703-791-9401 | P.O. Box 1171 | Manassas | 20110 | |
Member City Council | ROANOKE CITY | Democratic | Joseph L. Cobb | Qualified | joecobbforroanoke@gmail.com | www.joecobbforroanoke.com | 540-556-6057 | 441 Highland Ave SW | Roanoke | 24016 |
Member City Council | ROANOKE CITY | Democratic | Peter J. Volosin | Qualified | peter@votevolosin.com | www.votevolosin.com | P. O. Box 8264 | Roanoke | 24014 | |
Member City Council | ROANOKE CITY | Democratic | S. Terry McGuire | Qualified | terryforroanoke@gmail.com | www.terryforroanoke.com | 540-339-6555 | 339 King George Ave SW | Roanoke | 24016 |
Member City Council | ROANOKE CITY | Democratic | Vivian Y. Sanchez-Jones | Qualified | chileper60@gmail.com | 540-588-0558 | 2610 Belle Ave NE | Roanoke | 24012 |