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November 5, 2024 General Election Presidential

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Office TitlePolitical PartyNameIncumbentEmailPhoneWebsiteAddress 1CityStateZip
PresidentDemocraticKamala D. Harrisfalseinfo@kamalaharris.com302-421-0328 Box 438WilmingtonDE19899-0438
Vice PresidentDemocraticTim Walz
PresidentRepublicanDonald J. Trumpfalsetrump@redcurve.com617-303-6800 Box 13570ArlingtonVA22219-3570
Vice PresidentRepublicanJD Vance
PresidentGreenJill E. Steinfalsejason@jillstein2024.com425-691-6631 Box 704 StrattonME04982-0704
Vice PresidentGreenRudolph T. Ware III
PresidentLibertarianChase R. Oliverfalsechase@votechaseoliver.com470-737-4090 Lavista Rd Ste E PMB 368TuckerGA30084-4847
Vice PresidentLibertarianMike ter Maat
PresidentIndependentClaudia De la Cruzfalseinfo@votesocialist2024.com646-942-2444 7th St NW PMB 189WashingtonDC20001-3107
Vice PresidentIndependentKarina Garcia
PresidentIndependentCornel R. Westfalseteam@cornelwest2024.com646-941-8502 Box 1577 8253a Backlick Rd #NewingtonVA22122-1577
Vice PresidentIndependentMelina Abdullah