Casting a Ballot

When to Vote
Polling places are open from 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Election Day. Anyone in line at 7:00 p.m. will be allowed to vote.
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Go to our Upcoming Elections page for listings of upcoming elections.
Where to Vote
Voters may look up their polling place or they may contact their General Registrar for more information.
Some localities have established early voting locations in addition to the General Registrar's Office. Any voter in the locality may visit the General Registrar's Office or an early voting site to vote in person or drop off their mailed absentee ballot.
How to Vote
When voting in-person, you will be asked to provide an acceptable form of identification at the polls.
- More details on voting in-person >>
- More details on voting absentee >>
- More details on military and overseas voting >>
- More details on accessible voting >>
- More details on candidates in election >>
Virginia law allows you to vote in only one political party primary election when multiple political party primary elections are held on the same day (Va Code § 24.2-530). Each primary has a separate ballot listing different candidates. The voter must indicate which ballot he would like to receive.
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