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Political Action Committees

Any person, association, organization or group of individuals that anticipates receiving contributions and/or spending funds in excess of $200 for the purpose of influencing the outcome of any non-federal election in Virginia must register as a political committee with the Virginia Department of Elections (ELECT).

Corporations and unions that contribute from their direct operating funds are not subject to the requirements of the Act unless these organizations make an independent expenditure that benefits a non-federal Virginia candidate or political committee.

Statement of Organization - Political Action Committee

Any one of the following is considered a Political Action Committee (PAC) if they are soliciting contributions, of which more than 50% of those funds will be used to influence the outcome of a non-federal Virginia election:

  • Stock or non-stock corporation
  • Labor organization
  • Membership organization
  • Cooperative or other group.

Federal PACs

Federal PACs are political action committees registered with the Federal Election Commission (FEC). These organizations must file a Statement of Organization within 10 days of making a contribution to a candidate or political committee registered with the Virginia Department of Elections (ELECT) of more than $200 in a calendar year. No further reporting is required of these types of committees.

A Federal PAC is required to file a Statement of Organization with ELECT even if they are affiliated with ELECT registered political committees and give contributions (transfers) to the state committee.

ELECT links Federal PAC’s FEC reports on our website. You can click here to view a Federal PAC’s FEC report.

Basic Reporting Requirements

  • Political action committees are required to file scheduled reports
  • E-Filers must file their reports by 11:59 p.m. on the report’s deadline
  • Paper Filers must submit their reports in the required office no later than 5:00 p.m. on the deadline. For paper filers who file with the Virginia Department of Elections, paper reports will be considered timely if the report is postmarked on the deadline
  • Additional reports are due within three business days after a committee receives a single contribution $10,000 or more
  • Two additional $1,000 large contribution/expenditure reporting periods added in 2023


Laws and Policies

Cover Sheets

Reporting Deadlines

Regular Campaign Finance Reporting Forms

Schedule ADirect Contributions over $100
Use to report contributions exceeding $100.
Schedule A Instructions

Schedule BIn-Kind Contributions over $100
Use to report contributions of services rendered or goods whose value exceeds $100.
Schedule B Instructions

Schedule CRebates, Refunds and Interest
Use to report receipts of refunds, rebates interest paid.
Schedule C Instructions

Schedule DItemization of Expenditures
Use to report all expenditures incurred by a committee.
Schedule D Instructions

Schedule EItemization of Loans
Use to report the itemization of all loans received and/or repaid by a committee.
Schedule E Instructions

Schedule FDebts Remaining Unpaid
Use to itemize any outstanding debt that remains outstanding as of the current reporting period.
Schedule F Instructions

Schedule GStatement of Funds
Contributions, receipts, expenditures and loans that have occurred during the reporting cycle.
Schedule G Instructions

Schedule HSummary of Receipts and Disbursements
Contributions, receipts, expenditures and loans that have occurred during the committees duration.
Schedule H Instructions

Schedule ISurplus Funds Paid Out
Use to report the disposition of surplus funds.
Schedule I Instructions