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Campaign Finance Filing

The Virginia Department of Elections (ELECT) provides, free of charge, an online application for candidates and political committees to file campaign finance reports. As of 2012, COMmittee Electronic Tracking – known as COMET – replaced the desktop VAFiling software, which had been in use since 1999. Electronic filers (E-filers) who employ 3rd party software vendors to prepare and create their reports must use COMET to upload their campaign finance reports to the Department of Elections public website.  E-Filers who do not use third-party software must use COMET to prepare and submit their campaign finance reports.

COMET Step-by-Step:

  1. Review the COMET User Manual or the COMET Quick User Guide
  2. Establish an administrator account.
  3. Create and submit a Statement of Organization (SOO).
  4. Have authorized users create their account and add them to the committee.
  5. Enter Line-Item entries (Receipts, Expenditures, and Loans/Debts).
  6. Enter any Large Dollar and Large Pre-Election Contributions.
  7. Manage your Contacts.
  8. Prepare and Submit your Reports.

All questions, comments and faxes regarding COMET should be sent to or faxed to (804) 786-1364.

Approved 3rd Party Vendors
Aristotle, Inc. Back Office (202) 543-8345
Campaign Deputy LLC Campaign Deputy (202) 915-0500
Cision, Inc Version 8 (301) 683-9657
CMDI Crimson (703) 790-8676
Custom Data Systems, Inc Association Manager.Net (804) 612-9452
DDC Democracy Direct (202) 830-2038
ISPolitical ISPolitical (800) 926-0062
NGP VAN Version 12 NGP Campaign Office (202) 686-9330
NGP VAN, Inc. NGP Campaign Office – Version 6 (202) 686-9330
Primary Data Solutions PDS Membership 3.0 (703) 348-2248
Public Affairs Support Services (PASS) EPACINFO (703) 476-3070
Red Curve Solutions, LLC Vortex 2.0 (617) 303-6800
TARGET-D Consulting Target-D, Version 12 (703) 435-2891
Trail Blazer Campaign Services, Inc. Trail Blazer Campaign Manager, 6.2 (952) 767-2651