Becoming a Candidate
Candidates for office must meet certain qualifications and are required to file specific ballot access documents in order to qualify to appear on the ballot. These qualifications and requirements may vary slightly depending on the type of office sought (federal, statewide, General Assembly, or local) and type of candidate (party primary, party non-primary, or independent). Generally, all candidates must meet the following minimum qualifications:
- Be qualified to vote for and hold the office sought, and
- Be a resident of the Commonwealth of Virginia for one year immediately preceding the election.
ELECT has developed and published candidate informational bulletins and quick look one pagers specific to each office type. In addition to the qualifications, forms and filing requirements, candidate information bulletins provide candidates with information they will need to run for office.
Instructions for Potential Write-In Candidates
Write-in Candidates for all offices except President are not required to file any ballot access documents, however, will need to be in compliance with Campaign Finance requirements.
Instructions for Potential Candidates
Note for City Council candidates: Most cities, either by charter or choice, have non-partisan city council elections. In these cities all candidates for city council must run as independent candidates. Please review the list to ensure you complete the appropriate ballot access process.
- Read the candidate bulletin for the office sought.
- Complete the Certificate of Candidate Qualification form for the office sought.
- This form may be filed any time after January 1 of the election year and before the filing deadline of the election.
- This form must be filed before a candidate can purchase a registered voter’s list.
- Complete the necessary Campaign Finance documents and review the laws and policies for Campaign Committees.
- Complete the appropriate Statement of Economic Interest form, if required.
- This form may be filed any time after January 1 of the election year and before the filing deadline of the election.
- Exemption information can be found in the candidate bulletin.
- Pay the Primary Filing Fee and file the Filing Receipt, if required.
- The fee may be paid any time after January 1 of the election year and before the filing deadline of the election.
- The fee amount can be found in the candidate bulletin.
- The receipt must be filed with the Declaration of Candidacy and Petitions of Qualified Voters.
- Complete the Declaration of Candidacy form and Petitions of Qualified Voters forms, if required.
- Effective July 1, 2024 candidates may begin collecting petition signatures on January first of the year in which the election is held.
- When these forms may be filed depends on if the candidate is filing for a primary election or general election.
- Submit all qualifying forms by deadline specified in the Candidate Bulletin.
Please direct ballot access questions to Please direct campaign finance questions to or your local registrar.
We are constantly reviewing and updating our website to reflect the most up-to-date language translations and elections information. If you discover an issue with translations or the links to our website, please let us know at