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Campaign Finance Disclosure Forms

As per § 24.2-947.1, any individual seeking or campaigning for an office of the Commonwealth or one of its governmental units in a party nomination process or general, primary, or special election, shall file a Statement of Organization within 10 days of meeting any one of the following conditions:

  1. Acceptance of a contribution;
  2. Expenditure of any funds;
  3. The payment of a filing fee for any party nomination method;
  4. The filing of a candidate statement of qualification pursuant to § 24.2-501; or
  5. The appointment of a campaign treasurer, designation of a campaign committee, or designation of a campaign depository.

Regular Campaign Finance Reporting Forms

Schedule ADirect Contributions over $100
Use to report contributions exceeding $100.
Schedule A Instructions

Schedule BIn-Kind Contributions over $100
Use to report contributions of services rendered or goods whose value exceeds $100.
Schedule B Instructions>

Schedule CRebates, Refunds and Interest
Use to report receipts of refunds, rebates interest paid.
Schedule C Instructions

Schedule DItemization of Expenditures
Use to report all expenditures incurred by a committee.
Schedule D Instructions

Schedule EItemization of Loans
Use to report the itemization of all loans received and/or repaid by a committee.
Schedule E Instructions

Schedule FDebts Remaining Unpaid
Use to itemize any outstanding debt that remains outstanding as of the current reporting period.
Schedule F Instructions

Schedule GStatement of Funds
Contributions, receipts, expenditures and loans that have occurred during the reporting cycle.
Schedule G Instructions

Schedule HSummary of Receipts and Disbursements
Contributions, receipts, expenditures and loans that have occurred during the committees duration.
Schedule H Instructions

Schedule ISurplus Funds Paid Out
Use to report the disposition of surplus funds.
Schedule I Instructions

Designated Expenditure Report – For each designated contribution received by the campaign committee from a political committee, out-of-state political committee, or federal political action committee, the campaign committee shall list the name of the person who designated the contribution and provide the information required.

Commonly Requested Forms

Reporting Deadlines

Election Calendars